Smokescreens, part II
This fight over Social Security is kind of wigging me out. Obviously the gutting of the program that keeps seniors from eating dog food is wiggy, but that's not what I mean. What I'm freaked about (and this is picking up on something Chiniqua mère was saying the other day) is what are they really planning?
Follow me here: doesn't this all seem a little too easy? Knick on wood, but they seem to be losing this battle, and we seem to be winning. They have not convinced anyone that SS is in crisis, and they've had to change their rationale for privatization a whole bunch of times. So that's great, right? They can't sell us this steamer.
Do you really think that's all there is? Or do they have some other, infinitely more evil plan that they're gonna bust with while we're all distracted? Wasn't this all a little too easy?
Think about it.