Thursday, February 10, 2005

Al out of the running

Lots of blogs today have said that Al Franken is going to run for Senate in 2006 , but I just heard him say he is not going to run so that he can honor his commitment to Air America (promised them another 2 years). Conflicting emotions. Sad because Al would be a great senator, but yet so happy because what else would I do from 12 - 3 every day? (Although I have had it up to HERE with the Wendi Friesen hypnosis commercials.)

And also happy because Al will continue to be our UWS neighbor. He seems to be emotional about it as well, but is a trouper (and that is how you spell that). I think he is doing the right thing, although in the interest of full disclosure he can do no wrong in my eyes. Well, him and Morris Chestnut.

"Rush gets his statistics from his butt, we get them from the Bureau of Labor Statistics." Heh-heh.


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