Monday, February 07, 2005

I told you so

Ok, I might not have told you so, but I sure as hell told a lot of people. I was all over Wiregate from the night of the first debate (mmmm, take a nice moment to think back and remember the warm flushed feeling of joy, sweetness and tiny, tiny, gossamer-winged hope that you felt during the first debate - 'Kerry is killing him!' you realized with a rush of wild happiness) when I saw that little bit of extra Chimpy was packing under his jacket.
And so here it is from our friends at FAIR. It wasn't just nutty tinfoil hat types - it was really fucking true. And maybe. Just maybe, we could have won the election if the country had known that he cheated. And then lied about it.
But no, not really. it wouldn't have made a difference because it doesn't matter. There have been so freaking many smoking guns anbd none of them stick. The fucker is bulletproof.