Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Kate Holmes-Cruise was so at the daiye spa. Scientology and midgets--GOOD! Sanity--BAD! Note: BBD does not make a habit of linking to the dark side.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Down Time

Due to last week's heat, the NBA finals, and the incredible emotional stress the Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes situation is causing, the entire BBD crew is packing up and making our yearly pilgrimmage to the Berkshires. We will be away from our beloved macs until next week.

We plan to return refreshed and ready to rumble. Have a good week!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

a photo that needs no caption...

God help us.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


If you do nothing else, you must do this: Veronica Mars repeats begin tonight on UPN. 9:00PM. And then tomorrow night at 9 also.
Tonight is the pilot. Watch it.
That is all.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Broken clocks

Those who are forced to spend a lot of time around me know that one of my favorite sayings is "even a broken clock is right two times a day," which is really a way out of ever praising people I don't like.
But it cannot be denied, and so here I go. Chimpy did something good. It hurts to say it. But this is really, really good news for Africa.
It seems that there may still be some weird provisions that might make it secretly bad, but they are erasing the debt of many of the world's poorest countries, and the difference that will make in the lives of millions cannot be underestimated.
Major props to Tony Blair for making Africa his major issue. Africa is the conscience of the world folks, and unless they are ok we are all guilty. They are poor and desperate because we have raped them for centuries, not because they are lazy or corrupt. Their poverty is our problem.
Back when I was a wee lass at the Carter Center I worked in the Africa program. We went to the Clinton and Gore Campaign rallies (it was '96) and would stand as close to the stage as possible and (egged on by our boss) whenever there was a lull yell out "What about Africa?" and now, 9 years later, someone is finally doing something.

Friday, June 10, 2005


the GOP is a white christian party. What the hell is the big deal? Get off Dean's back, folks.

Also, Chimpy's poll numbers? They suck. 43% approval. Now I sorta think it would have been nice if this had been, oh, say, in October. But then they woulda ramped up the terror alert. Oh, wait, that already happened.

In related news, it is really, really fucking hot. So hot that I haven't been computing at home for fear the laptop will explode.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Tom Cruise's idiocy gets worse by the week.

Here's just a sampling of the nuggets of lunacy from his interview with Entertainment Weekly. The point of which was to, ahem, clean up after the other blunders.

You are aware that your views about psychiatry come across as pretty radical to a lot of people.
In the 1980s, you were supposed to say no to drugs. But when I say no to drugs, I'm a radical? 'He's against drugs — he's a radical! He's against electroshock treatments — he's a radical!' [Laughing] It's absurd!

Yeah, but Scientology textbooks sometimes refer to psychiatry as a ''Nazi science''...
Well, look at the history. Jung was an editor for the Nazi papers during World War II. [According to Aryeh Maidenbaum, the director of the New York Center for Jungian Studies, this is not true.] Look at the experimentation the Nazis did with electric shock and drugging. Look at the drug methadone. That was originally called Adolophine. It was named after Adolf Hitler... [According to the Dictionary of Drugs and Medications, among other sources, this is an urban legend.]

Well, Freud wasn't a Nazi, but the point I'm getting at here is that expressing these views isn't necessarily a public relations bonanza for you.
What choice do I have? People are being electric-shocked. Kids are being drugged. People are dying.
My personal favorite part is about how all his "facts" are complete bullshit. What a loser. This is the upshot of actors and their pseudointellectualism (a la Kate Hudson saying she didn't need to go to college because She Reads Books. Too bad we can't all be like her--self-motivatedly studious, I mean, not born richer than 99.999% of the world.) I recommend reading the full interview to see Tom's ironic comments about how he's gotta be who he is and he can't help but tell the world. How bout I tell the world you're gayer than gay. Actually the only person who seems not to have gotten that memo is Miss 26-year-old Virgin herself... which, by the way, even Joey gave it up man come on.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

tom cruise is such a wanker

look what he said about brooke shields being on happy pills when she was going thru post-partum depression:

"When you talk about postpartum, you can take people today, women, and what you do is you use vitamins. There is a hormonal thing that is going on, scientifically, you can prove that. But when you talk about emotional, chemical imbalances in people, there is no science behind that," the actor told Access Hollywood. "When someone says [medication] has helped them, it is to cope, it didn't cure anything. There is no science. There is nothing that can cure them whatsoever," Cruise said.

okay can't you SOOOO SEEEE them using this kind of psuedoscientific reasoning to be like "there's no such thing as gay. horny, yes, you can prove that, but gay, i mean that's just an emotional thing. take a flintstone." what a pansy-ass bitch. i am SO on brooke's side in this fight. it's also way too reminiscent of bush's fda guy being like "women should just pray their way through PMS." i want him to pray his way through my foot up his ass!!

Friday, June 03, 2005

We need Woodstein on the case!

Bush, &c., are slipping bombshells -- qu'ran abuse at git'mo, bottomed-out recruiting numbers -- into the deadest timeslot of the newscycle: Friday night. The blogosphere won't play ball though, we're staying on top of these stories, as are the folks on Countdown (though Keith's m.i.a.), who tell us the pentagon is disclosing the fact that some army guard pissed on the koran, on top of a mountain of other desecrations, which, we're pretty sure, is worse than putting it in a toilet. One of these needs to have legs enough get some weekday attention. Oh now they're telling us the guard pissed on it by mistake. That sounds reasonable, sure. No, yeah, totally, I see it.

The good news keeps on rollin'

The weather is getting better, repugs are beginning to jump ship, chimpy's approval ratings are in the crapper, Dave has a new iMac, Deep Throat comes out to prove to us why anonymous sources are really important, Veronica Mars was renewed, and now Dave Chappelle is back!
Feel it. The tide of evil. It turns.
Or at least, well, there may some day be more Chappelle's Show.