Monday, June 13, 2005

Broken clocks

Those who are forced to spend a lot of time around me know that one of my favorite sayings is "even a broken clock is right two times a day," which is really a way out of ever praising people I don't like.
But it cannot be denied, and so here I go. Chimpy did something good. It hurts to say it. But this is really, really good news for Africa.
It seems that there may still be some weird provisions that might make it secretly bad, but they are erasing the debt of many of the world's poorest countries, and the difference that will make in the lives of millions cannot be underestimated.
Major props to Tony Blair for making Africa his major issue. Africa is the conscience of the world folks, and unless they are ok we are all guilty. They are poor and desperate because we have raped them for centuries, not because they are lazy or corrupt. Their poverty is our problem.
Back when I was a wee lass at the Carter Center I worked in the Africa program. We went to the Clinton and Gore Campaign rallies (it was '96) and would stand as close to the stage as possible and (egged on by our boss) whenever there was a lull yell out "What about Africa?" and now, 9 years later, someone is finally doing something.


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