Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Republican fuzzy math

So we know Reid definitely had all but two votes on his side, and needed two of the four remaining moderate Republicans to vote with him too. That's to say, 44 Dems + 1 Jeffords :) + 4 Repubs + (2 more Repubs?)= 51 votes. (In case you didn't know, :) is a highly sophisticated mathematical function.) There are only six Republicans in that equation, but seven of them signed the agreement. Then I saw Susan Collins (R-ME) on tv talkin bout how a bunch of her colleagues were coming up to her being like "oh thank you so much, i'm so glad you did that, thank god we don't have to have the vote, etc." Wth. But moreover, couldn't those seven senators who signed the agreement have just said they would protect the filibuster against the nuclear option from the beginning? No, you say? Because their own party would turn against them and splash them all over the media and blogs as traitors? Well that seems to be happening anyway. But I have a feeling that there were a lot more Republican senators there, lurking, wanting to protect the f'buster, but too spineless to say so. They must've been really scared to alienate their rabid evangelical constituents. And they all heaved a huge sigh of relief last night.

Harry Reid is so my hero, and his website is really cool. The Senate Dems are awesome. Now please keep Brown, Owen and Myers out of the courts!


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