Thursday, May 19, 2005


As I was saying a while ago, the terror alert thing is fucked up. In spare time I have been trying to put together an archive of when the terror level has been raised and what the big news stories and what the preznit's approval ratings were at the time. The information is interestingly difficult to come by. Not in a 'it's all hidden' way, but in a '3 hours+ on google has not given me exactly what I wanted' and I think that qualifies as somewhat hard.
Anyway, looking around all this (and I will put it all in shiny chart form or something when I'm done) and then reading today's Note has me thinking. Congressional approval is at the lowest level since 1994 (when that Gingrich bloke was able to take over). Chimpy has not been able to get his shit through (Social Security, Bolton, Judges, Schiavo etc.) in the way that he wants. He may still get it all through, mind you, but not in a force of nature inevitable way that he likes. North Korea has turned into WWIII potential on his watch. Also Iran. And Iraq. Not going too well.
Sounds to me like it's time for a major terrorist alert. So I'm just putting my little 2 cents in here - some kind of vague terrorist alert or threat level raised situation in the next month. The sheep are getting restless and need to be made afraid again. Otherwise they may remember they have rights.
On that subject, I'm excited for The Power of Nightmares, a documentary by Adam Curtis about the political uses of fear. Look for it.


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