Thursday, May 12, 2005


(What Would Ann Coulter Do?)
Now this is just crazy time. Republicans are pervs! Honestly, how many crazy pervy sex scandals do we need to have before someone wakes up and realizes that apparently family values=forced sex?
So this Hager guy, who was an ass to begin with seems to want more ass. The man anally raped his wife! For YEARS. And then he wrote a book called As Jesus Cared for Women. Hello? What the hell?
And Bolton, as I hope you are all aware now, forced his wife to go to orgies at Plato's Retreat. Which should really put th fear in a bunch of 70's swingers - what if you had anonymous sex with John Bolton? Ewwww! That moustache!
Look, I know that it's the new millenium and all, but we need to go back and read some Foucault. Remember the whole thing about the Victorians and how repressing sexuality makes it come back all stronger and more scary? Well, I think we have some examples here.
Now please, someone find proof that James Dobson is a paedophile...