Sunday, May 15, 2005

More Sex!

Now let's be clear here - I'm not saying being gay is pervy. So the point I made below about how all far-right morals asshats seem to be pervs is different from the point Frank Rich is making here. But it strikes at the same basic issue - insane christo-fascist right wing moralizers who are trying to turn our country into a theocracy are hiding some pretty big things about their sex lives. It would be unbelievably funny if it weren't so, well, scary.
Oh - also there's that guy (a republican congressman?) who says he had sex with donkeys. And that it's normal and you're some sort of blue-state elitest if you think there's something weird about that. I'll catch that link and put it up when I find it.
Please please please please someone find proof that Karl Rove is not just gay but that he, I don't know, has sex with black same-sex kittens or something.


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