Tuesday, May 24, 2005


They might tell you that the dems had to suck more up, that they blinked first, but don't you believe it. Harry Reid is a beast. The dems had nothing to work with - and now they have the opportunity to filibuster a supreme court nominee. Yeah the ones getting in are pieces of shit, but the super duper stinky pieces of shit are out. The thing to remember if you get bitter is that we had nothing to bargain with. We are outnumbered. The threat of shutting down senate business was a pretty crappy threat - it would've turned on us right quick. Recall when the GOP shut down the guvmint (you know, so they had to have the unpaid interns doing a lot of work...in the oval office...) and how that backfired on them. Going nuclear and blocking all business would have had the same effect on us.

James Dobson/Bill Kitty Killer Frist bet the house on this one. And the interesting thing is that even thought they got a lot of their scummy judges through, they didn't win the house. So they lost. It's sort of bizarro world, but they went for all or nothing, and so when they got only some, it's defeat.

And extraordinary measures? Do you think that any asshole that Bush nominates for the court won't be kissing cousins with satan? I think we can find some extraordinary.
I am so relieved.


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