Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Theory du jour

Hi! I'm back!

So: Brangelina, pregnant. Wow. The Branageletus. The Infangelina. You go away for a coupl of weeks and look what happens...

But on to more important things.

You know how they won't tell us anything at all about who they were wiretapping, or even how many people they tapped, what the criteria were, etc.? And apparently they have the capability to hook into the main telephone "arteries" of the country, and monitor gazillions of calls (this is from the NY times, not just crazy bloggy stuff)? And I guess what they do is they have big old computers monitor a lot of calls, and then if there are certain keywords or something they start recording or paying closer attention?

Well, here's my theory about why they won't give us the slightest idea about who or what or on what evidence. I think they threw a tap on every damn arab person in the country. Seriously. I think they went all FDR on Arab-Americans and decided they were all suspicious. And they cannot cannot let anyone know that this is what they've done because it is obviously the most horrible, rascist and likely to make more muslims not to mention everyone else in the world hate us thing ever. That's why they couldn't get warrants, even with the 72-hour "bug first, get warrant later" FISA rules. Because no court on earth would let them do that, and even if it would the numbers wold be too big.

Now mind you I don't think that they are actively listening to all (what? 10 million? 50 mill? No idea) arab-type folk. I think they've just got 'em all hooked up on the computers to be monitored. Or all calls to arab countries, or all calls in arabic. You get the idea.

So that's my tinfoil hat theory, and I'm sticking with it (at least this week). If I disappear all of a sudden or have some sort of accident all Karen Silkwood-style, then you'll know I'm right.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

heh heh

Down, suckers! Down!

DeLay was key in keeping all the little congress critters in line. They're not gonna walk in lockstep anymore. Which, if you think about it, is a good thing for all. I mean, I can't imagine that every single GOP representative agreed with the preznit every single time, yet they were more or less forced to vote that way.

Also, a service notice - the annual chiniqua and momiqua trip to the sun commences early Monday morning. Assume that posting will be sporadic, if not non-existant. Return slated for January 19. See ya then!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

David Letterman is a Beast

Man oh man oh man you gotta check out last night's Letterman. He had that troll Bill O'Reilly on and took him to the woodshed.

Dave also, for the first time I can remember, revealed some personal politics. Anti-Bush? Check. Anti-War? Yup. Pro-Cindy Sheehan? Oh my yes.

The clip is 11 minutes long but so worth it. There are "oh shit!" moments aplenty.

God I love him.