Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Holy ignorance, Batman!

We already knew that 20% of Americans think End of Days will happen in our lifetime, so maybe this shouldn't be surprising, but it still is:
"A Gallup poll last year showed that only 28 percent of Americans accept the theory of evolution, while 48 percent adhere to creationism - the belief that an intelligent being is responsible for the creation of the earth and its inhabitants." (
I can't believe a 20-point spread of Americans believe in creationism over evolution. That is so bugged out. Who are all these Democrats and moderate Repubs (who make up at least 28%.. more like 60?) who don't know we come from monkeys?! What is the big deal people??

I think we should start a website devoted to JP2 that we can advertise on all the religious-right sites, where we have all his quotes and whatnot on the Iraq war and on how there's too much evidence of evolution for it just to be a theory!!! (So bad-ass)

The pollsters should add another option, that God created the universe but we still evolved. There's nothing contradictory about that. It's not like you have to be atheist to understand evolution. People want to be so pig-headed, sheesh!


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