Saturday, April 16, 2005

Frist is against the American way!

Normally I agree with People For the American Way's position on political issues without thinking much of it beyond that, but this time I'm really impressed with them. Check out this excerpt from a letter their prez sent to Bill Frist:
I urge you to repudiate the “Justice Sunday” event at which you are scheduled to speak later this month. The event is being promoted with deeply offensive materials suggesting that the filibuster is being used to target people of faith, and that proponents of the filibuster are forcing individuals to choose between serving in public office and Christian faith.

This is religious McCarthyism. It is dishonest, destructive and despicable.

Men and women of faith can and do differ politically. But this event is an attempt to manipulate faith for political purposes, and that is outrage against every person of faith.
Yeah Ralph! Let's just hope that every person of faith picks up on that outrage... it could happen! The scary thing, though, is that McCarthyism got pretty damn far before most of the country realized how fucked up it was. Did you know this 'Justice Sunday' situtation is apparently going to be beamed directly into people's churches? That's on some straight 1984, maybe even enought to frighten the 'faithful' (btw, do they include any non-Christians in this event?) people. Scaaa-rryyyyyyy. Um, wasn't there supposed to be some point at which church and state are, what's that word, separate? Oh, nevermind, Tom DeLay says that's not actually in the Constitution. Uh oh I feel the rage coming on...


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