Monday, March 28, 2005

martial law and other stuff

N.R.A. Aide Urges Armed Teachers
PHOENIX, March 25 (AP) -- All options should be considered to prevent rampages like the Minnesota shooting, including making guns available to teachers, Sandra S. Froman, first vice president of the National Rifle Association, said Friday.

Yeah, all options except GUN CONTROL. We are literally being hijacked at gunpoint by evangelical gun worshipers who somehow also call themselves pro-life because they want Terri Schiavo and unborn fetuses to live but don't so much care about convicts, guilty or not, or American soldiers.

And speaking of Terri...
Did someone say hypocrisy? No? Well, I am. HYPOCRISY!

I would laugh about this, but I think it is tragic. This man is so twisted and drunk with power that he can, with no compunction, use this woman to advance his political goals when he knows exactly what her family went through because he went through it himself. It could point to a glimmer of humanity deep under the layers of bullshit, but I suspect that glimmer went out before this whole thing went down.


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