Friday, March 18, 2005


First, let us take a moment to consider the many meanings and uses of the word "juice." It means the liquid that comes from fruit. It is the liquid that we drink, sometimes only vaguely related to the fruit. It means influence, it means electricity, it means booze and oh yes, in case you hadn't heard it means steroids.

Second, let us reflect that there's a fucking war on and we're killing baby seals in the arctic and Wolfafuckingwitz is going to be head of the World fucking Bank and we're talking about steroids.

Now I suppose it's bad that some kids want to take steroids or something. So kids, stay off steroids. And it isn't great (in a sort of ephemeral way) that some baseball/football/hockey/whatever players are juiced and therefore have an unfair advantage over others and yadda yadda. But really, does it really matter at all? So the fuck what if someone today breaks some old record because of it. Times change. We have all kinds of medicine now that wasn't around in the early days of baseball too. Not being dead from some curable disease gives you an advantage over oldtime players. Getting paid a gazillion dollars a year so you don't have to work other jobs (like early players did) gives you an advantage. Having insane workouts and trainers and dieticians on call 24-7 and Dr. Norman Scott to fine-tune your body is an advantage. And honestly, they just didn't make people as big as Randy Johnson in olden times.

But WTF with people all jumping on Jose Canseco? Does anyone really doubt that he's telling the truth? Seems to me there's a lot of double standard shit going down right now. Canseco is the bad guy for squealing, but the MLB is also the bad guy for not squealing? What's that about? I like Canseco and I always have. (Probably because my little brothers were big fans of the A's back in the day. And one time I went to a game in Oakland and sat right behind the plate and saw them all and it was a perfect, beautiful baseball day. And you know what the idea that some of them may have been juiced changes it not one whit for me.)

So here is a beautiful little piece by Michael Chabon (author of The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay) about Jose Canseco. It's by subscription, but I'm going to assume you have one by now. If not, for god's sake get one.

But most importantly, happy birthday Momiqua!


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