Thursday, March 17, 2005

the latest barometer of end times...

I write this evening with a heavy hand, as, in the inexorable march of our world going to shit, another figure falls upon the ramparts. The latest victim: Sal & Carmine's. Okay, things could be worse, but it's still bad:

THEY'VE RAISED THEIR PRICES. Only by $.50 per slice but that will easily amount to an extra $50 a year each for the BBD girls. Carmine said it's because their operating costs have gone up, especially the price of mozzarella. He wasn't happy about it either. He said it'd been 10 years since they raised their prices.

So, for holding out this long, we salute you, Sal & Carmine!

Incidentally, I also noticed that a small deli between my work and the subway just reopened as "Papaya Dog." It's in direct view of Gray's Papaya, a la Astor Place Starbuckses. At least in this case they're different businesses, but if you happened to be illiterate you would not be able to tell them apart. Same garish, ketchup-and-mustard color scheme, same hanging 3-d tissue paper fruits, same old-style handwriting on the drink coolers. I hadn't even noticed that the deli was under construction, and I notice that deli all the time.

Like I said, the world's going to shit, so in the mean time I'm going to curl up into a ball with however many slices of S&C's I can still afford and rock slowly back and forth muttering "fuuuutuuuure" between bites...


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