Friday, March 11, 2005

Has anyone seen my tinfoil hat? Oh, I'm wearing it.

1. Is anyone else noticing an increase in combining the letter W and patriotic symbols? Example 1: The new DC baseball team. Which I think is great, but look at their fucking hats.
Obviously, they are also available in red.

A further instance revealed itself on a recent trip to the new DC Convention Center (Motto: "We're more than just a large building") (OK, that's only one of their mottos, and it is enormous, but still) when I saw their logo.

I know an increase of 2 isn't that much, but I just don't want to underestimate the effect of associating W with patriotism and America. Not that it's anything new, but I think it's dangerous (and obviously personally offensive).

2. I also heard that Billy Clint's heart surgeon was referred by none other than kitten-killer and "doctor" Bill Frist. Anyone else find it strangely coincidental that six months later, fluid and scar tissue are now causing Billy's left lung to partially collapse? I'm not trying to suggest anything untoward-- I just think it's really weird.

That's all for now.