Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Lime Kitty

In case you're one of the 6 people left on earth who hasn't seen the lime kitty, behold.

Tonight, as I have endlessly pimped, is Veronica Mars. All operations have come to a halt and the BBD HQ is being prepared for the event (i.e. I am planning on sweeping under the couch). What I can promise you is that in a little over a week's time it will all be over and we will be back to our snarky bloggy selves.

In the meantime I have been thinking about the evangelizing spirit. What is it about some things (V. Mars e.g.) or some people (me) that we need to spread the word? Is this due to a hole in my spiritual life? Is it a way if getting attention? Is it a public service because we truly want others to be happy?

And which products develop cults? Apple computer is something I have been preaching for a very long time, and is the classic model of cultish devotion. We actually speak of converting people to macs. (Speaking of which, iMacs just got a speed bump and I hear I'm getting a Tiger in the family soon.) Prius owners are apparently like this. And TiVo users. (Also btw: TiVo will change your life - it's true.) Instead of guarding their coolness, people in these consumer cults want to spread the gospel. Is it becuase they are all borderline technologies that need more adherents to survive? Is it because people see something of themselves in the product? Is it becuase all we're out here doing is looking for other people to connect with, no matter how fleetingly?

I don't know the answer, but I do know that if I figure out the secret I will be very, very rich.


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