Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Actually, I'm Pissed

This is all very funny, but I've realized that this pisses the hell out of me. Dick (motherfucking prince of darkness creepy uncle evil) Cheney is a PUBLIC SERVANT. My measly-ass tax dollars pay his salary (well, ok, the tiny part of the money he makes that comes from his guvmint salary as opposed to the huge amounts he gets from Hallibuton et. al). He serves the American freaking people. When he agreed that he wanted to be the Vice President, he agreed that he gets no privacy. Who the fuck does he think he is to cloak every damn thing in secrecy? It's not his fucking call.

It's not cute anymore, Dick. He has no accountability, no one ever knows where the fuck he is or what the hell he's doing, he is doing illegal shit left and right, he's shooting people, and he acts like this is just fine. Like it's not our right to know what our Vice President is doing. Fuck him, man.


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