Friday, February 10, 2006

Is this a joke?

Being the kind of gal whose eye is perhaps more gimlet than necessary, I am constantly seeing things and asking, "this is supposed to be a joke, right?"

Today's example (and I think I might make this into a running series: "TiStBaJ,R?") is about the alleged plot to ram an airplane into Library Tower in LA (also to discuss: Library Tower? They have so many books in LA they needed a tower for them? Who knew? And yes I was kidding there, LA folks. Kind of.). A clever soul from the White House Press Pool questions Scotty McPuffy:
Q: Scott, I wanted to just ask a follow-up about the LA plot. Is there something missing from this story, a practical application, a few facts? Because if you want to commandeer a plane and fly it into a tower, if you used shoe bombs, wouldn't you blow off the cockpit? Or is there something missing from this story?

MR. McCLELLAN: I don't know what you're referring to about missing. I mean, I think we provided you a detailed briefing earlier today about the plot. And Fran Townsend, our Homeland Security Advisor, talked about it. So I'm not sure what you're suggesting it.

Q: Think about it, if you're wearing shoe bombs, you either blow off your feet or you blow off the front of the airplane.

MR. McCLELLAN: There was a briefing for you earlier today. I think that's one way to look at it. There are a lot of ways to look at it, and she explained it earlier today, Alexis, so I would refer you very much back to what she said, what she said earlier today.

Right. Exactly. Post-September 11th, you're not really going to be able to hijack a plane with a bomb. Not when we all know that what you're planning is to blow the plane up by flying into something anyway. So what do you do with a shoe bomb? Threaten to blow up the plane if the pilot won't crash the plane?
And, um, how exactly are you going to overpower the pilot and co-pilot and stuff with your shoes?

Doesn't really make much sense, does it?

So the question is whether this shoe bomb thing was supposed to be a joke.
Something about it sure sounds funny.


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