Friday, September 22, 2006

Me v. the TSA, again

I'm sorry. I know there's some important anti-torture stuff (or pro-torture, really) going on and we should talk about that, but you'll have to bear with my airport screening vendetta a little longer. has a lovely feature called Ask the Pilot, wherein a very funny and articulate pilot named Patrick Smith answers all the questions you always wanted to know about airplanes. They're a good read, and if you were thinking that I was just barking at the moon and expounding my own crazy theories, well at least I'm not alone.

Recently, he has taken on the War on Toothpaste (tm) and I am gratified to see that he has essentially the same take that I have (i.e. this is bullshit). Check out this article regarding the feasability of actually building a bomb big enough to bring an plane down and tell me there is even one iota of sense in all of this. He also takes aim at the cargo hold, and agrees that it is a bigger threat.

As sexy sexy Stephen Colbert would say, I called it.


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