Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Thank you, Wonkette

As the astute (or at least conscious) reader will know, I fucking hate the new air travel rules and the war on toothpaste.

Also slated for hatred is the sheep-like quality of our great nation and its great press and great, great freedom loving people, who will seemingly endure and even promote any intrusion into their lives as long as it is couched in terms of stopping the terrorists. The same people, no doubt, who were talking on their cell phone handsets while driving to the airport. Why the (extremely slight) danger of terrorists is so fucking important and worth huge amounts of inconvenience and occasional abuse but the (much more) real danger of a car accident is apparently not worth thinking about is beyond me.

As predicted (by me), the constant repetition of how no liquids ever again was "the new normal" in the news has had the effect of making it...normal. As in, there ain't no going back. We've accepted this piece of nonsense.

Now, finally (finally! Because these days a month is a long-ass time) Wonkette is speaking out.

Preach, Wonkette. I cannot emphasize this enough; in a free society, people are free to use lipgloss wherever and whenever they like.


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