Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Mouse Next Time

Next up, the Path to 9/11 brouhaha. I don't know if you know about this, but ABC is planning to air a 5 (6? 7?) hour miniseries on September 10th and 11th called The Path to 9/11. The internets are in an uproar over this. I mean a fucking uproar. As I write this, six of the top 10 recommended diaries on kos are about ABC's "mockumentary." I've never seen anything get so much attention there. Not even Ned Lamont. Why? Well, probably because it's a pack of goddamned wingnut lies. There are about 1,000 things about it that are completely fabricated, but I'm too lazy today to spell them out. The beauty of this blog thing is that I'll just link to someone who has. Here's a preliminary post, but every damn blog on the 'nets has a hundred. You can also try here or here or here and you get the idea.

Besides the factual outrages, there are heaps of corollary outrages. For example:
- The whole thing was made by some guy that Rush Limbaugh calls a personal friend. (In fact the whole thing is a big blow job for wingnuts - check this out)
- Advance screening copies were provided to something like 900 conservative media and bloggers but no progressives. Including Bill Clinton. That's right - the Big Dog asked for a screening copy (since it apparently blames him for not killing bin Laden when he allegedly had the chance which is another whole fabrication that we won't get into right now) and they would not give it to him. I mean, dude! He's the Big Dog and you do not cross him.
Meow meow meow.

Scholastic books is doing an educational study guide to go along with it. After a huge amount of pressure, Scholastic has dropped a lot of the material and has decided instead that the curriculum will be about critical media skills, which I think is kind of awesome, but nonetheless will have kids watching what amounts to propaganda. As we all know, people remember the pretty lies you show them, not the boring truths you correct with later. Still, props to Scholastic for realizing it was in shit and doing something about it. Although the wild-eyed talk of boycotting the next Harry Potter was a little retarded, if you ask me.

Anyway, the upshot is that a lot of people are calling and writing ABC and Disney demanding that the show be yanked and you should too. If you think that's unrealistic, remember that the other side got that docudrama about Reagan pulled and put on cable because it dared suggest that the sainted Gipper's shit stank or something. So it does happen.

This is pretty important because it's an election season - a REALLY FUCKING IMPORTANT election season, and this little flick sends home the message that you can't trust Democrats to protect you from terrorists. For six hours, without commercials, on prime time network TV. Voice your outrage.


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