Monday, November 21, 2005

In other news

You know, Abramoff could be much, much bigger than Plame. After all, it's the money that brought Capone down (not to mention Delay). Greed blinds, apparently. They say it may be the biggest scandal to hit the Hill in a 100 years. And by "they" I mean that alarmist rag The New York Times.
Money quote, before this article disappears:
Scholars who specialize in the history and operations of Congress say that given the brazenness of Mr. Abramoff's lobbying efforts, as measured by the huge fees he charged clients and the extravagant gifts he showered on friends on Capitol Hill, almost all of them Republicans, the investigation could end up costing several lawmakers their careers, if not their freedom.
"I think this has the potential to be the biggest scandal in Congress in over a century," said Thomas E. Mann, a Congressional specialist at the Brookings Institution. "I've been around Washington for 35 years, watching Congress, and I've never seen anything approaching Abramoff for cynicism and chutzpah in proposing quid pro quos to members of Congress.


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