Friday, October 28, 2005

What does it all mean?

So after all the excitement dies down a little, we're left to wonder what it all means. Are we psyched? Are we let down? Are we still just as confused?
All of the above, I think.

Sure, it's a letdown to not have Rove dragged away in handcuffs. And I would have liked to throw in a few others as well. But, as someone or other pointed out this afternoon, the fat lady has not even opened her mouth yet. The investigation is ongoing. Rove has won only a temporary stay.

What Fitz made clear is that his mandate is not to figure out the motivations for the war. His mandate is about the leak case. He went after Libby because Libby got in the way of his investigation. But if his work opens the door to the war lies, so be it.

He also made it clear that if Judy Miller had not clammed up Fitzmas would have been last October. Think about it. Last October. You know. Like, right before the election? Fucking Judy Miller fucking gave Bush the fucking election. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Think about it for a second and then weep.

The other thing that was interesting was that he seemed to be implying that there was actual harm done by the leak, and not just in a metaphorical or moral sense. I've been reading rumors that an agent was killed as a result of the blown cover. I wonder if this is related.

So, in sum:
Patrick Fitzgerald is incredibly, unbearably wonky sexy. Karl Rove is not off the hook. And if Fitz did not indict Rove there's really only a couple of reasons: he didn't have enough evidence (in which case all my wishing will not make it so) or Rove has offered him something better. Big Time.

Merry Fitzmas to all.


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