Monday, November 21, 2005


Hadley Hadley.

Woodward's source. But maybe after Iran-Contra I just don't trust anyone NSA?

If not, Cheney Cheney Cheney.
Notice how the WH is sending Cheney to do their shit work. They say he is being distanced from Chimpy. Rumors that he will step down and Condi will be appointed VP. I say: never happen. Condi's a lesbian. Really. C'mon, you knew that even if you didn't know that.

Fitz (omg! So my boyfriend - Azulita and I locked in a deathmatch for his sweet love) has a new Grand Jury doncha know.

What does it all mean? Frankly, we are pretty clueless. We are as confused as we were in the first days of Judy Judy Judy and the aspens turning. But this ain't even half over, kids.

Funny thought: if they make a movie of this (All the Preznit's Men?) can Redford play Woodward again? That would be awsome.


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