Thursday, November 03, 2005

why i think fitz is fucking brilliant

OK. I can admit it. I was a little disappointed that I didn't get a shiny new Rove for Fitzmas. But I've been thinking about this for a while. And now I think this could be totally awsome.
Follow me here:
Libby is going to trial. A regular old criminal trial (federal version). Which the regular old media can get transcripts of, which are public record. Cheney, Rove, all of them, are gonna have to testify under oath. And we're gonna know what they say. And either they've all been telling the God's honest truth from day one, or they're gonna be busted. And they're gonna be scared, because no one knows how much Fitz knows. So they won't know which lies he'll catch them on. And what other people are going to do. So even if Fitz is not involved in Libby's trial, he's still got his grand jury, and he can call someone on back and be all, why'd you say this to me, and then say this at Libby's trial?


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