Friday, November 03, 2006

In which I beg

Just fucking do it. Four days people. This is serious. Please?

Do more than vote. We all sit on our asses all day and bitch about the state of things but don't do a damn thing about it. And believe me, I got nothing against sitting on your ass all day. But just this once, just now, get off the couch and please please do something. They're on the fucking ropes. Don't you get it? A chance like this, a time when they are self-destructing faster then we ever dreamed, it just doesn't happen. They're drowning. Now is the time to throw them a goddamned anvil.

Look. I hate calling people. I barely answer my own phone. In fact, I sort of hate people in general (not really. I just seem to feel better when they're not around). But even I have dragged myself out and made phone calls. It's not scary after the first five minutes, I promise. Check out MoveOn. Call your local campaign HQ. Just convince a friend to vote. Something.

Please. Please. Do something.


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