Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Am I taking Crazy Pills?

The rundown:

- It's about 246 degrees here in NY. I have taken to making bottles of ice and packing them in my pits while waiting on the subway platform (although: shout out to the MTA - air conditioned trains are the greatest thing in the history of ever).

- Mel Gibson: The Collapsening! So much fun I can hardly stand it.

- Lindsay Lohan: The Smackdownening! If you haven't read the the letter that the head of the production company of her current movie sent, I urge you to do so now. Oh joy. Joy joy joy. And BTW, "partying" = "cocaine snorting."

- Did I mention it was hot? Apparently yesterday it was 112 in Bismarck, North Fucking Dakota. Think about that for a second.

- Fidel has an ulcer. They're partying in Miami like this is the end of Castroism, but that's just plain silly. No matter one's views on the Bearded One (and I fall somewhere in the middle, although the middle of the progressive/far left spectrum - been to Cuba a few times, respect a lot of what the revolution has done, appreciate that there is someone still talking smack about us so close to home, want to make mad love to the young Che, believe that many of the migrants from Cuba are seeking economic freedom, not political freedom and don't understand why they are more special than Hatians, thought Elian should be with his father, but still recognize that there are layers of stench and disregard for human rights that I could not begin to fathom) the man will live on just to spite Bush.
I don't know why it's good news that he's sick, since Raoul is next in line and we are chomping at the bit to get down there. Cubans might not like Castro, but hot damn if our military (or CIA or special ops or paid mercenaries or 3rd party soldiers) step one foot on that island they will defend it like whoa. You want to see some badass motherfuckers going all the hell out? Then invade Cuba.

- Ugh. Lebanon. Ugh ugh ugh. I can't think about it right now.

- Ugh, Iraq. Shit, Iraq. Remember Iraq? Your fine Democratic congressmen do! The Dem Congressional leaders have all written a letter to the Chimp-in-Chief outlining an actual direction for the war. No timeline for complete withdrawal but troop reductions beginning December and a pledge to not make permanent bases there. Go dems! Read more about it here.

- Ugh, Iran. Seriously.

- Have you heard? The North Koreans and the South Koreans were shooting at each other yesterday. The Somalis and the Ethiopians are on the brink of war. The Taliban is basically back in control of a lot of Afghanistan. Get your war on, folks.

- Floyd Landis doped. Dammit. You mean you can't win the Tour de France with one hip?

And to top it off, Starks got ejected.


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