Friday, July 28, 2006

There is no end to my

abhorrence, abomination, acrimony, alienation, animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, aversion, bitterness, coldness, contempt, detestation, disapproval, disfavor, disgust, displeasure, distaste, enmity, envy, execration, grudge, hard feelings, hate, horror, hostility, ignominy, ill will, invidiousness, loathing, malevolence, malice, malignance, militancy, odium, pique, prejudice, rancor, repugnance, repulsion, revenge, revulsion, scorn, spite, spleen, venom and hatred for the fuckers who are running this country.

Did you hear that they're finally getting off their asses to raise the Federal minimum wage? It's been stuck at $5.15/hr since 1996. In that time, congress has voted itself $35,000 in cost of living increases.
So cool, you think. Raise that mother up. Bring some people out of poverty. About time.
Then you see something like this and you realize that there is nothing, nothing that those shitheads cannot turn into self-serving, country-destroying, so-fucked-up-it-makes-you-bleed-from-the-eyes bullshit asshattery.
Congressional republicans will only raise the minimum wage if it comes along with eliminating the capital gains tax. Now excuse me while I go throw up.


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