Monday, May 08, 2006

Ten thousand things

OK. A lot on the plate here.

1. What to name the Duke Cunningham scandal? Hookergate is popular. Also Pokergate. ut then there's the tantilizing allure of...Watergategate. Or, as we sometimes call it, WaterWaterGateGate.

Don't know what I'm on about? Well, briefly, Duke Cunningham (R-CA) was a bad man and took money from places he whouldn't have, and in consequence will be in prison for a while. Oops! And one of his little things was taking bribes from defense contractors. Sometimes these defense contractors (especially one named Brent Wilkes) would throw poker parties for Duke. At THE WATERGATE FREAKING HOTEL. And, it is said (by one of the guys that threw the parties), there were hookers. Others have claimed that there were no female prostitutes at these parties. Which means...
Now among the guests at these poker parties was our boy Porter Goss, recently of the CIA. Hmmmm. So weird, seeing as how he just resigned with no warning. Almost like he was scared about something?

2. Anyone who believes that Porter Goss left the CIA because he was being edged out by John Negroponte due to clashing management styles is an idiot.

3. There are pople named a. Dusty Foggo and b. "Nine Fingers" (no I am not making this up) involved in this story.

4. Oh, did I mention that the HOOKERS at the WATERGATE were probably MEN? Oh yeah.


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