Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Cry me a river

This blogging business is hard work. Trying to think of things to say, knowing that you are really writing into a void, learning all this linking, all while trying to keep the boss from figuring out that you aren't really working on that spreadsheet...

So apologies - we are trying our best to go out and cull the best or most interesting or what we deem important from the internets, but we are totally new at this, and we are trying. And you dear reader, if you are out there, and hopefully some day you will be, are invited to make comments.

Here are some of the things going on - we are trying like hell to keep the ball rolling and keep involved. But the siren song of the tivo (see below) and the US Weekly and and the glitzy sweet world of don't think about it too much because if you do you will start crying, again, is strong. So it is possible that what we began as a purely political animal may evolve a bit into both more and less, if you see what I mean. Clearly the pros have us beat on this - Wonkette and Dan Radosh and all - so we shall see.

Julia Roberts' twins (am I the only one who thinks Hazel is a nice name?), the Ohio recount (going forward, they say), the entire cabinet resigning, Ken Jennings losing, should I leave the country?


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