Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Sincerely, John Kerry

his consolation letter says it best:

There is no way to hide the pain -- and no point in trying.

But there's also a point in being pissed as hell that the whole operation was rigged. If the Ukranians get a second election, we should at least a paper vote run-off between Viktor Kerrykovych and Viktor Bushchenko in OH and FL. It might happen. Then again, we seem to lack the millions of demontrators marching on the capital. They do seem more deserving by comparison. I mean, I'd do it, but... there's just so much TiVo to watch. And it's really cold out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, that's the trouble with those sorehead Ukrainiacs: no TiVo!

December 01, 2004  

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