Monday, November 08, 2004

note to self:

some things we need to do, in no particular order:

-make sure that arlen specter is not fucked for standing up to bush. will get some links to places to call/write.

-get the dnc to head in the right direction. this one is really, really important. it goes without saying that if there is a shift right in the dnc, if we believe this morals thing and change ourselves accordingly, then the right will have won. not just this election, but every election.

[it was one thing when we went all right with clinton. and let me get this out here - for all the clinton worship you're going to see here, it's not necessarily his policies that we heart. it's more that big, loveable bubba sexiness. and he was smart. and so pink! so let's not get hung up on the clinton thing - i know that welfare reform was a nightmare and i know that his support of the death penalty is insupportable. so that said - we all tooka turn for the right with bill and with the dlc and all that. and i guess, in the end, it worked. and i rememebr a lot of haters out there calling for his head for betraying us, and they had a good point. but right he went, and win he did. now times are different.]

it seems like the first reaction to this disaster (The Bad Thing, as we like to call it) is to think that we must talk up god and our faith (oops - i don't have any! now what?) and ditch the gays and then maybe those nascar folk will vote for us. but this is where the line must be drawn. i was slow coming around to it but we must not move further right. we must remain the left. we believe in our principles not just because we thought it might get us elected but because they are the very definition of moral. we cannot allow them to turn us into assholes.

so in that vein, i say howard dean for leader of the dnc. i was wrong about him - he was right all along.

-we gotta do something about this fucked up vote situation. we gotta help blackbox, gotta email everyone we can, gotta make noise and all that. and yes, of course it won't work but that doesn't mean it isn't still worth trying. and we need to get the word out that something fishy happened.

this is partly theraputic. it feels good to believe that you have not been betrayed by your countrymen. it's also pr - the rest of the world should know that we are as fucked up and upset over this as they are. because the rest of the world does matter.

-and then we have to start planning how we're going to take this place back. being nice has not worked, and it won't as long as turd blossom is ruling things. we have to outsmart them. which should be possible since we are, like, smarter.

ok, over and out.


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