Wednesday, January 24, 2007


You know, there's a lot of John Kerry hate out there. You'd think that people would hate Bush for lying, cheating and yes, stealing, for the 2004 election. But instead you hear bitching about his campaign, about how he didn't react to the Swift Boat crowd the right way, etc. etc. I guess it's true that Kerry made some mistakes, some of which were costly. But seriously? He won. I believe he won. I have not forgotten Ohio.

Sure, he was a little stiff, and sure he seemed a little elitist. But so the fuck what. He was and is a smart, honorable and brave man. And I really, really wish he was president.

That said, I'm glad that he's not running again. It would be a distraction and too easy to mock. He can't win this time. So thanks, John Kerry, for the good times, and may you have a long and illustrious career in the Senate.

Jim Webb is a fucking man. I can't explain it, but I was seriously impressed by his rebuttal last night. He sounded a little unrehearsed at some points, and a little wooden at others, but dude, he totally nailed it.


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