Wednesday, January 10, 2007

About that surge

So the chimp is going to get on the TV tonight and talk about how sending another 20,000 troops to Iraq is somehow a "new course" that's going to Change Everything. This despite the mid-term election (you know, the one where the nation rose as one and zsaid, "Fuck this War and the party it rode in on!")This, despite the fact that senators and representatives from his own party aren't even willing to publicly voice support for the war anymore. This despite the fact that his hand-picked generals were so against the surge that they resigned/were fired. And the new hander-pickeder generals he chose to replace the old hand picked generals are also against the surge.

So you can't help but wonder why. Why, Chimpy, why? What do you not understand? Who the fuck do you think you're going to help? How could he possiobly think this is a good idea?

I have only two theories. One is that there's still some money to be made there so we're gonna stay, hell or highwater. Two is that he's doing the same damn thing he always does: play to the base. He doesn't need your support. He just needs to win back the hard-core 'pugs. As we've seen too many times, if you get a really mobilized super right-wing fringe all excited, they can suck the air out of any size gathering.

These two theories are not mutually exclusive. In fact, I think they have a name: politics as usual.


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