Thursday, November 09, 2006

Welcome to the Funhouse

It's hard to tell exactly what's going on at the White House these days. It's hard to know what's going on with Bush. Hell, who the fuck even knows what's going on with the GOP in general. I get the feeling they're a little shocked and confused. They're not used to losing. Or, in the words of one of the defining movies of my generation (alas): reality bites.

I am getting the sense that in certain quarters there is almost relief. The lie that the Administration was selling was untenable. We knew it was a lie, they knew it was a lie. They even knew that their Iraq policy wasn't working, but they got themselves so tangled up in Stay The Course that they couldn't find their way out of it. It's really pretty hilarious (if you don't think of the lives and the money and the goodwill and the environment squandered). The chickens are roosting, the petard has been hoisted, the bed is being slept in. Now that the election is over it's like you can feel the pressure lifting.

Chimpy himself seems almost... happy? The press conference he gave yesterday was remarkable. He was so loose. The old shrivelled bitterness that was making his face shrink and his words tight and his eyes mean were gone. I think he was telling the truth when he said that he didn't think they were going to lose. And losing looks like it was somehow liberating. Like, now it won't all be his fault.

More shocking is Rush Limbaugh. And when I say shocking, I don't mean "Wow, isn't that interesting," shocking. I mean "Holy crap!" shocking. He got on air and actually said that he was sick and tired of carrying water for folks that didn't deserve to have their water carried. That he did and said stuff that he didn't like because he wanted to win the election. Check it out here. And before you go there, I know that what he's saying is that the GOP isn't "conservative" enough and that they aren't real republicans or something, not that he secretly loves Michael Moore, but still. It's like they're all almost happy that they don't have to pretend anymore. It's almost like the whole republican party is coming out of the closet.


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