Monday, October 17, 2005

You knew the fun wouldn't last

Lest we get too caught up in the excitement of Plame-gate, V. Mars DVDs and the return of the giant ball of fire that hangs curiously in the sky, a small reminder that things are still going to hell.
Our friends in congress (and really, really, what are you doing to make it a Democratically controlled in 2006?) have made the tough decision to slash medicare and other unimportatnt things to make way for the costs of Katrina rebuilding.
That's right. Keep the tax cuts. Screw the poor. Same shit, different day.

My lunchtime assignment is to really read the Judy Miller article from yesterday's Times. It may take several lunchtimes. When I am done I will report back. Hopefully it will be irrelevant by then, as there is a rumor the Fitgerald word will come Wednesday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I did read it, the whole thing, and as far as I can tell the bottom line is this: she CAN'T REMEMBER who told her Valerie Plame's name!!!!!! She can remember everything else.
Now they're talking about letting Scooter (or is it Rove) off the hook because he thoought VP was with that other CIA unit, not the undercover one, so he didn't knowingly commit a crime.
Most positive outcome so far: the Times realizes it has been the mouthpiece of the Administration. She was a plant and they let her get away with everything and thus they contributed to 2000 US soldiers dead etc.

October 18, 2005  

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