Thursday, July 14, 2005


Our 'hood makes the BBC!
This morning I got up early and was doing the dishes (really) when about a million sirens started going by. Since the corner a block down is a popular site for spectacular car crashes, I went downstairs to see what was happening.
The old Gristede's supermarket had collapsed, which is sort of dramatic, I guess. But really? It was abandoned and one storey tall. But for no good reason there were hundreds of rescue workers all over. It was 9/11 style, I swear. Ran into Azulita, on her way to work. She had to turn around because the subway was shut down. We returned to BBD HQ and lo, it was all over the TV. Looked at Google News and it was the top story. It's made the BBC! CNN International! The Times-Picayune!
We are famous.


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