Thursday, July 07, 2005

Bombs away

Terrorists suck. That's sort of the bottom line. We don't like them. WTF? Let them enjoy the Olympics.

That said, and I hope it's not too soon to be all analytic, but really it wasn't so bad. If you take as a given that sooner or later the tube was gonna get hit (and, if I remember from when I lived in London, we basically did) then this was not so bad. No nuclear waste, no collapsing buildings, etc. London is a big city and the transport system is pretty clogged, not to mention deep underground - so 30-60 people dead is really not the end of the world. I know that sounds terrible, but still true.

Londoners, who still talk about how they were so cool during the blitz, seem to be taking it all in stride, and bully for them. They get mad respect for not being all apeshit and assholey. But never fear, there is something that still has the power to terrify loose in London.

So love, respect, sympathy to our friends across the pond. We'll be visiting you and riding the tube next month, because otherwise the terrorists have won.


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