Thursday, December 16, 2004

David Brock brings it

Now you might still be a little on the fence about David Brock - but my mind is made up. He kicks ass. Naturally the Al Franken theme song We Will Brock You has a lot to do with my affection (now he's back on the side of the human race!) but I also really like and respect the Media Matters site. Check it out if you haven't before.
But the really fun stuff is here. Brock calls Bill O'Reilly a coward and worse. And better yet, he proves it! Hopefully O'Reilly will sue him or something.

This dovetails into what I think is a really vital issue; the need for a liberal rapid-response network. I wrote a little about it before and it seems so obvious. I'm not sure if it is so obvious that no one mentions it or if I'm on to some sort of big idea here. But if the [insert favorite description of the other side here - mine is Morning Sedition's "christo-fascist death cult"] can shoot out all this info about things they want to boycott, and all these complaints to the FCC and all this crap to control our culture, I'm not sure why we can't also.

Media Matters and MoveOn are doing something like this with all the Stop Sinclair stuff, but that's thinking too small. Why aren't we innundating them with angry emails? Why don't we organize boycotts of O'Reilly Factor advertisers? There are a whole damn lot of us - I'm sure that we could do something. After all, it only took 2 people to cost FOX a bundle for the strippers on Married by America.

And while we're on the damn subject, what I'm outraged by is that no one was fucking married by America. There was no wedding! False advertising!


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