Friday, September 02, 2005


This guy is a certified a-hole.
Apparently what he used to do was run the US Arabian Horse Association. But he was fired. Really.

The horror and shock and evil of this situation is just too much. The TV anchors are losing it on the regular. I've seen Anderson Cooper, Soledad O'Brien and others just start freaking out on elected officials and FEMA heads and stuff. Even Dr. Sanjay Gupta lost his shit and was like, "if I can get into the hospital, why the hell can't the army?"

The Mayor of New Orleans lost it on TV this morning and started cursing and begging for help. The interview ended with both the Mayor and the interviewer in tears. Just watch - BushCo will try to make him and the Democratic Senator the fall guys in this, because THE story is now "WHERE THE FUCK IS THE GOVERNMENT" and there are a lot of goddamned questions and no answers and they are looking really bad.

I was here in NY on 9/11 and I would take 9/11 over this any day (except, azulita points out, for the political consequences).


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